Saturday 12 March 2011

Lying Liar Lied to me :(

Lying is a part of our life, it's an in built instinct that we are born with. It's a mechanism of survival that we use when we feel threatened. I lie all the time, but I don't lie to hurt someone. When I lie, I only lie a white harmless lie,

for example -      Girl:   Do you think this pants makes me look fat?
                         Boy: No...
                        Girl:   I think it does...
                         Boy: Trust me it doesn't, you look fine *add smile to make it look sincere* 

Yep, that's the kind of lying that I do. I don't go to the extreme, where I lie about someone that I'm not or a lifestyle that isn't mine. So don't give into extreme lying (where you make up things about yourself that your not) that may cost you your relationships with people you care about.

People are sensitive and many take these kinds of lying to heart, feeling cheated or betrayed. On the other hand, if you've been lied to and are offended by it, take a chill pill and think about the situation, allow the liar to explain themselves. Then decide if you still want a relationship with that person, because life is too short to be fighting over stupid things.

WATCH our video for a more comedic insight about lying. "Liar Liar" - SkitzNetStudio

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