Friday 4 March 2011

I miss being a kid...

Remember those times when you had nothing to worry about besides having to eat your vegetables, brush your teeth or to play nice with others. Yup, I'm talking about our diaper days.

Oh how much I miss all that freedom and time to do whatever I wanted. Back when our mother used to do everything for us, feed us, bathe us and even change our clothes for us, but those days are over now... or is it?

Although, it may seem like a bunch of fun to be a kid. It however isn't always like that... well maybe 90% of the time is fun and games. But anyway like I was saying, being a kid can be hard work. For one, if you were a kid back in the late 90's, you would know that to be a cool kid you would need to get yourself a digimon (or tamagotchi whichever you had). I mean taking care of your virtual pet is a lot of hard work, you've got to clean it, feed it and put it to sleep.

AND BAM!!! all of a sudden your the one with all the responsibilities. Come to think of it, who was the 'genius' who decided that it would be fun to give kids parental responsibilities. But with kids being kids, eventually they get bored or find a new toy to play with and then forgetting to feed their virtual pet.

2 days later, we stumble across our virtual pet and decide to see how the old fella is doing... DEAD!!!

Then comes our mourning phase, times become sad. But hey, we forget about it 2 minutes after and move on. That's what I miss about being a kid, we see the world in a much more positive light.

Also check out our VLOG version of 'I miss being a kid'. We have lots of other stuff too on Youtube, all you have to do is subscribe to stay updated :)

I wanna be a kid again :(

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